Frequently Asked Questions
Question: When are the rides?
Answer: Thursday mornings. Please arrive at the designated parking location by 9:45 a.m. to gear up. The ride starts promptly at 10:00 a.m. Riders have the option to stay after the ride for lunch at a nearby restaurant. We do not ride on holidays.
Q: Where are the rides?
A: Most of the rides are on Hilton Head Island, with some rides off island within a radius of about an hour drive. The rides are on paved surfaces such as bike paths and/or less traveled streets. Browse to the Ride Schedule and the Ride Plans Archive to see the various ride locations.
Occasionally there is a ride farther away with overnight accommodations.
A rider needs some means of transporting the bicycle to and from the departure point such as a bike rack, carrier or SUV. See the Links page for some bike rack ideas.
Q: How far are the rides?
A: The rides are generally from 10-12 miles, sometimes with a stop at a scenic spot, a point of interest and/or a restroom facility. See the Ride Statistics
Q: How fast does the group ride?
A: Most of the rides are at an average speed of 10-12 miles per hour on paved level surfaces. Each ride has a Ride Leader and a Sweep. We regroup if necessary. See the Ride Statistics
Q: I have trouble keeping up with the group. Is there something I can do to improve my performance?
A: New riders often forget to check the air in their tires before every ride. If your air is low, it can make it much harder to pedal. The recommonded air pressure should be indicated on the sidewall of the tire. Also, check your chain to be sure it does not have too much slack in it and your brakes to be sure they are working and are not rubbing on the rim when they are not engaged. Think ABC, air, brakes, and chain. Periodically (or every ride) clean your chain to remove sand and relubricate it with a dry chain lubricant.
Q: What kind of bicycles do you ride?
A: Some ride hybrid bikes as shown here with several speeds and hand brakes. Some ride road bikes. However, any bike in good riding condition will do.
Q: Is a helmet required?
A: Yes. Safety is our number one concern and it is a requirement of our insurance.
Q: Can I try a ride as a guest?
A: Yes, for one ride only as allowed by the Club's insurance policy. We encourage guests to try riding with the group before joining the club. Please notify the Ride Leader that you are riding and/or having lunch. Leave your phone number and email address in case a ride is cancelled.
Q: How much does it cost to be a member?
A: Dues are $20.00 per person per year to cover insurance premiums, the website and other expenses. Dues expire each January 31. To join, please complete the Membership Application and Waiver Form.
For a new member joining August 1 through January 31, dues are only $10.00 per person.
There is no discount for part-time residents.
Q: Are members expected to plan and lead a ride?
A: Yes. Rides are planned in advance for the Spring Season and the Fall Season. All members are expected to plan and lead rides as needed. Ride Leaders get top priority for rides that have a maximum number.
Q: Do I need a reservation to ride?
A: Please let the Ride Leader know by the TUESDAY before the Thursday ride if you plan to ride. This is very easy to do. Go to the Ride Schedule page, click the Ride Plan link for more details. The Ride Plan includes the Ride Leader's phone number and an e-mail address. Contact the Ride Leader by e-mail or phone saying "Yes, I am riding on October XX and yes, I am coming to lunch (and if the ride is in a gated community, yes, I need a gate pass)." Guests should also provide a phone number and e-mail address for notification if a ride is cancelled for inclimate weather.
Q: Why do we ask that you RSVP by the TUESDAY before the Thursday ride?
If the ride is cancelled for any reason, the Ride Leader will notify those who are scheduled to ride.
If the lunch group is large the Ride Leader may want to notifiy the restaurant in advance so they can seat and staff accordingly to provide timely service.
Some rides are in gated communities so prior notice is needed to arrange for your pass at the gate.
If we know you are coming, we may delay the start a few minutues, if you are late.
Q: What if it is raining (inclement weather) the morning of the ride?
A: If the ride is cancelled for any reason, the Ride Leader will notify those who are scheduled to ride. If a ride is cancelled, the lunch is also cancelled, unless the Ride Leader advises otherwise.